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Forever Calcium® 钙镁健

RM 0.00

美国Forever 永恒钙镁健
1. 每颗含有250毫克柠檬酸钙,计量适中,补充方便。
2. 提供临床认可份量的钙,镁,锌,锰,铜,维他命Ç和D等营养,促进身体对钙的吸收,并巩固骨骼结构及功能。而且専利的矿物生产技术将锭片体积缩细,有助吞服和吸收。


Forever Calcium







腰酸背痛 關節痛 骨頭痛,骨刺,怕風,關節響聲,變矮。孩子個矮,X型腿,O型腿。






Forever Calcium® delivers calcium and vitamin D to help you maintain proper bone health. Our exclusive blend uses patented di-calcium malate which allows your body to absorb more of this vital mineral. 

A breakthrough formula for optimal bone health support

• Helps build strong bones
• Promotes optimal bone health
• Helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis when combined with a healthy lifestyle
• Key blend of nutrients and minerals
• Gluten free

Calcium is an essential component of bone and tooth health. It’s important to maintain adequate calcium and vitamin D levels throughout life to achieve peak bone mass and keep bones from becoming brittle or weak. Research has also shown that adequate levels of vitamin D and calcium can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis when combined with regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Forever Calcium® is a superior source of bone-building minerals thanks to our breakthrough formula. Our exclusive blend uses patented di-calcium malate, which stays in the bloodstream longer than regular calcium, allowing your body to absorb more of this vital mineral.

We’ve also added ideal quantities of vitamin D, magnesium and zinc to help further maintain bone health while ensuring maximum absorption and bioavailability

Not everyone receives the proper amount of calcium and vitamin D through diet alone, which is why we formulated this supplement to fill the nutritional gap and support optimal bone health. Get the calcium your body needs easily with Forever Calcium®.


Calcium is the most common mineral found in your body, accounting for about 2% of your total weight. The majority of calcium, 99%, resides in your teeth and bones, while the remainder is found in nerve cells, blood, body tissues and other body fluids. Long associated with the growth and maintenance of bones and teeth, calcium is also essential for the clotting of blood and the transmission of nerve impulses. Calcium is needed for our muscles to function and to release hormones, including insulin. According to the USDA, 75 percent of Americans are not meeting daily calcium recommendations.

Calcium is the major mineral that helps strengthen bones. Children and teenagers especially need adequate calcium in their diets, as the pre-teen and teen years are when they maximize the calcium storage in their bones in order to build up and preserve the bone mass they will need later in life. This is true because peak bone mass and calcium content of the skeleton is reached during the teen years. Bone calcium begins to decrease in young adulthood, and progressive loss of bone calcium occurs as we age, particularly in women. Adequate dietary calcium can help minimize this loss. A diet high in calcium appears to encourage the body to burn more fat and cuts the amount of new fat laid down by the body.

Estimates show that roughly 30 to 50 million Americans are lactose intolerant. People who are lactose intolerant cannot digest lactose, a natural sugar found in milk and dairy products, and therefore may not be consuming enough dairy products for their Calcium needs. For individuals who either cannot tolerate any lactose or do not like dairy products, Calcium supplements may be an option. The most effective is Calcium Citrate, because it dissolves easily in the stomach and is absorbed efficiently.

Forever Calcium® is an ultra-dense Calcium Citrate formula that supplies your body with 100% of the daily-recommended dietary intake (RDI) of calcium. Blended with a hint of vanilla flavor, the daily serving of Forever Calcium contains 1000mg of calcium combined with vitamin D and magnesium – two elements that are essential for maximizing calcium absorption. Two Forever Calcium tablets with breakfast, and two with dinner is an easy, effective way to ensure you’re getting the calcium you need for the promotion of good bone health.

Calcium Citrate formula combined with Vitamin D and Magnesium
·        Easy to digest and efficiently absorbed

Daily serving provides body with 100% of RDI of calcium

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