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Absorbent-C (纤维维他命C)

RM 0.00


是强力抗氧化物,是构成人体免疫系统的重要元素,有助击退自由基。 促进胶原蛋白之合成,有助提升肤质。 维持结缔组织健康。 维他命C乃强力抗氧化物,有助维持人体结缔组织、皮肤、关节和呼吸系统的健康。缺乏维他命C会导致微丝血管破裂和牙龈出血。为确保每锭所含的60毫克维他命 C能被人体完全吸收,配方中加入了500毫克的高纤维水溶性燕麦麸,不但增强效能,其独有的抗氧化燕麦醯胺还能对抗自由基。










市面上维他命C的健康食品琳琅满目,但 Forever 纤维维他命C 多年来获得广大用家的支持,一直稳占畅销产品之列,以下综合了用家爱上纤维维他命C的8个理由:




每粒纤维维他命C均蕴含500毫克水溶性膳食纤维 — 燕麦麸,能于小肠内形成胶状粒体,像海绵般吸收胆固醇,然后排出体外,有效保持心血管健康。













Forever Absorbent C是天然维生素C加上燕麦麸基质混合而成,可使人体肠道中的维生素C“持绩性释放”,以延长维生素C的效用,并添加永久蜂蜜作为结合剂。事实上,人体需要大量的维他命C,因为它属水溶性,容易被压力及环境因素所破坏。
💟 1颗Absorbent C 60mg,含4颗柠檬的维生素C
💟 不含化学剂、防腐剂和色素
💟 口感十足、健康美味咀嚼型
💟 有亮白肌肤美颜的效果
💟 减少牙龈出血的机率
💟 适合经常抽烟喝酒者、作息不正常、压力过大者等等
💡 家中有不喜欢吃水果的孩子,可以让他们每天咀嚼1-2颗哦,不必担心剂量过高~

Forever Absorbent-C® provides an easy, delicious and advanced way to supply your body with its daily recommended value of vitamin C. We combined vitamin C with honey and oat bran to pack in plenty of all-season wellness.  

Advanced daily vitamin C delivery in a delicious tablet

• Promotes healthy immune function
• Supports healthy skin and nails
• Easy way to get daily value of vitamin C
• Delicious natural orange and honey flavor
• Vegetarian friendly

Vitamin C is an essential part of anyone’s diet. It’s the ultimate nutrient when it comes to staying healthy when life has you on the go. Yet it’s estimated that only 10 to 20 percent of adults eat enough fruits and vegetables to maintain optimal levels of this crucial vitamin. That means most of us have a pretty big gap to fill when it comes to having an adequate amount of vitamin C.

Vitamin C is among the safest and most effective nutrients, helping your body protect itself against immune deficiencies, cardiovascular problems and aging skin. The antioxidant properties fight free radicals to protect your body from oxidative stress, which contributes to aging.

Forever Absorbent-C® provides an easy, delicious and advanced way for you to make sure your body is supplied with your daily recommended value of vitamin C. We combined vitamin C with honey and oat bran to pack in a triple play of all-season wellness.

Oat bran helps support immune function and assists in your body’s absorption of vitamin C. Honey adds flavor and natural sweetness, mingling perfectly with the vibrant orange flavor.

Don’t let nutritional gaps keep you from living your most active and healthy life. Forever Absorbent-C® is the perfect companion on your journey to looking and feeling your absolute best.

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